Each year, the Rotary Club of Ravenshead and Blidworth tour the streets of the two villages bringing cheer
to adults and children alike. In return, you have been very generous in your donations. We use this money each year to
support local projects for both young and old.
We are again going to bring Santa to the villages, and are asking everyone to give a big
"Wave to Santa" as he passes by. We will be stopping and handing out
sweets as we have done in the past.
If you can help Santa by coming to the pavement then please do so. We will be making a bucket collection, by card or iPhone on the route, or you can make
a donation on-line, using any debit or credit card.
If you have young ones, please read through the information for children with them so that they know what to do and when to
expect Santa. You can see our planned routes here.
When Santa is actually visiting our area, you can track his position using the Santa Tracker.
Please share this information with friends and neighbours so that all can be involved. Help us
by sharing on Facebook:
Unless the weather or Government restrictions prevents it, we will do our best to be there so keep an eye on this
website for up-to-date information. We look forward to seeing you all!
Wishing you all, a very safe and happy christmas
P.S. Anyone can be a Rotarian. Curious to know how you can make a difference in your
community and develop new friendships, visit
our website for more information